
The following list are the Victim/Witness 资源 available for our community (in no particular order).  斜体段落是该组织的使命陈述.

  • 性骚扰和强奸预防计划(SHARPP): “The mission of [SHARPP] is to eliminate sexual and intimate partner violence. SHARPP's mission is accomplished in two parts: by providing free and confidential advocacy and direct services to all survivors and their allies; and by offering culturally competent awareness and prevention programs to the 永利app新版本官网地址 community.” SHARPP is a resource available to members of the UNH community for victims of stalking, 家庭(和/或约会)暴力, 还有性侵犯. 
  • :原SASS和A Safe Place, 还服务于新罕布什尔州东南部的社区和那些妇女, 受家庭暴力和性暴力影响的男子和儿童.  Our ability to eliminate domestic and sexual violence while supporting individuals and families is greater than ever."
  • 联合国儿童基金会心理及谘询服务: “ 我们的多学科团队由心理学家组成, 社会工作者, and psychology trainees are highly skilled at addressing the unique needs of college students and fully committed to enhancing students' ability to fully benefit from the University environment and academic experience. ”  UNH Psychological and Counseling 服务 provides mental health services to students, 工作人员, 和老师. 
  • 卫生和保健: “永利app新版本官网地址健康服务提倡, maintains and improves the health and well-being of the University 社区 in support of the institution’s academic mission.  这是通过提供初级保健服务来实现的, 通过教授医疗保健消费主义, 预防疾病和促进健康, 为学生提供课外学习机会, 通过它的公共卫生角色.  服务 are accessible, cost effective, and provided in a caring and professional manner.  University employees have convenient access to certain clinical and educational services, as well.  健康 and 健康 continuously improves the quality of its care and services.”  
  • 新罕布什尔州反对家庭暴力和性暴力联盟: “……通过倡导创造安全和公正的社区, 预防和增强受性暴力影响的任何人的权能, 家庭暴力和跟踪.”  While not a crisis center the Coalition is “an umbrella organization that provides technical and financial support to 14 member agencies who provide services to survivors of sexual assault, 家庭暴力, 和被人跟踪.夏普和SASS是这个联盟的成员.  The Coalition can assist community members seeking assistance when away from campus. 
  • 家庭暴力紧急项目(DOVE)“…is a program of the New Hampshire Bar Association’s Pro Bono Referral Program that provides victims of 家庭暴力 with emergency legal services…[DOVE] provides free legal representation to qualifying clients at final Domestic Violence Restraining Order hearings…”
  • 斯特拉福德县家庭司法中心: “…is a place where survivors will find many of the services they need under one roof.  一起工作, 我们提供协调的, comprehensive services…”  Present at the Center are the above mentioned SASS and A Safe Place; also present are “NH Legal Assistance” and “Law Enforcement.根据该中心的说法, “Law Enforcement officers…provide security…[and] can take initial criminal reports.” 
  • 斯特拉福德县检察官办公室家庭暴力调查组: “Victim Assistance Coordinators assist victims and witnesses with the legal process by providing information and support and ensuring that victims are afforded all of the rights outlined in New Hampshire’s Crime Victims’ Bill of Rights.   Support begins as soon as a charge is brought by the police department and continues until the disposition of the case.  Victims and witnesses will need to appear in Court to testify should a case go to trial.  很多时候,这对他们来说是一种新的、不熟悉的体验.  在这种情况下, victim assistance can be most helpful in explaining the process and offering support throughout proceedings in court.”
  • 联合国大学平权行动和平等办公室: “…is charged with the responsibility to oversee the University's compliance efforts with affirmative action, 第九条, 残疾人法律法规(包括《永利app新版本官网地址》和第504条), 平等就业法, 校园倡议旨在创造一个多元化的, 欢迎和公平的校园.”
  • 联合国儿童基金会社区标准办公室: “…supports and enforces standards of behavior designed to foster an environment of civility and respect where both rights and responsibilities are deeply valued and highly cherished. The Office of Conduct and Mediation respects the integrity of students by protecting students' rights and ensuring fairness through the enforcement of University policies and regulations. Our office also serves as a resource for the University community regarding conflict management and resolution, providing both programs and services to promote the development of critical life skills.“社区标准办公室可以作为一个准法院系统, 经常被学生用来调解问题. 
  • 包瑞德将军中心: “…creates opportunities for people to participate in an inclusive community and to explore and understand diversity, 不公正与公平. Their work is grounded in understanding diversity that includes people of all abilities, 年龄和种族, 性别, 民族, 比赛, 宗教/精神传统, 社会经济阶层和性取向. 为非裔美国人/黑人提供支持和发展, 拉丁/ o, 美洲原住民和亚洲/太平洋岛民, 还有女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋, 变性人, 酷儿和有疑问的学生.”
  • UNH学生无障碍服务“…provides services to students with documented disabilities to ensure that all University activities and programs are accessible. Individualized accommodations and support services for veteran students with disabilities is also available. The office also promotes the development of student self-reliance and the personal independence necessary to succeed in a university climate.”
  • 温特沃斯-道格拉斯医院NH WDH位于多佛,是离杜伦校区最近的医院. 卫生署可提供强奸检具检查. WDH is also the after-hours provider for UNH students when UNH 健康 服务 is closed and a student's medical care cannot wait until 健康 服务 is open. 我们地区的其他医院包括; 朴茨茅斯医院傅强恩医院 (罗切斯特,新罕布什尔州)和 埃克塞特医院
  • NH司法部-受害者赔偿计划:“…helps innocent victims of violent crime with expenses directly related to crime injuries... The economic losses must be directly related to an eligible misdemeanor or felony violent crime.”